BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

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Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details

About Geoff Ryman

GEOFF RYMAN’s work has won numerous awards including the John W. Campbell Memorial Award first place, the Arthur C. Clarke Award (twice for The Child Garden and for Air), the James W Tiptree Memorial Award , the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award (for 253), the British Science Fiction Association Award (three times, once for a series of interviews with 100 African SFF writers in Strange Horizons. In 2012 he won a Nebula Award for his Nigeria-set novelette 'What We Found'. He is currently the administrator of the Nommo Awards for Speculative Fiction by Africans. His novel Him is due for publication in 2023.